It all started in 2017...

National Disability OUTLOOK is Australia’s premier magazine for the disability sector. It all started in 2017 with the release of the commemorative publication—Equal Access, Equal Opportunity: 25th Anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act. We saw a need for a publication dedicated to this area. So this launched Faircount Media Asia’s new flagship publication, adding another publication to our stable of OUTLOOK titles.

National Disability Outlook 2018 Cover Photo

It is an annual publication that delves into the depths of what is happening in the disability sector across the country. It includes current and relevant news and information, and covers all aspects of the NDIS, NDIA and the industry sector. The publication gives real insight into the truth.

Read in depth interviews with government ministers and the decision makers who define the future of the NDIS and NDIA. Also read about new developments such as new software and platforms that make life easier, and connect people to form valuable networks.

At National Disability OUTLOOK, we aim to tell real stories. Stories of people with disabilities and how they reach for their goals. How they achieve success, as well as how they face their challenges, and the journeys to overcome them. It is a platform that gives all in the disability sector a voice.

National Disability OUTLOOK allows you to keep up with what is currently happening and what is up and coming in the future.

Whether you have a story to tell or want to advertise your business to a large audience, get in contact with us to discover how we can help you.

If you'd like to read any of our previous editions, please visit

If you'd like to purchase a hard copy, please contact for pricing and availability.

Faircount Media Group

Faircount Media Group publishes periodicals and special editions in government sectors such as disability, defence, infrastructure, space, and healthcare. Our customers include: the Royal Australian Navy, the Defence Science and Technology Group, the Australian Space Agency, the Royal Australian Regiment, NASA, the Australian Olympic Committee, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) plus many others. By combining high quality design, peer-reviewed editorial from subject matter experts, and targeted circulation, the company has used this winning formula to establish itself as a key player in the field.

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National Disability OUTLOOK